Common Dental Procedures to Enhance Your Smile

With regular visits to our dentist office to help with keeping your teeth clean and free of decay, Sage Dental also offers cosmetic dentistry services to ensure your teeth look as healthy as they are. Here are some of the most popular procedures Dr. Chou recommend that can give you a whiter and brighter smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening

On-site visit for professional teeth whitening can whiten your teeth many shades lighter than when you began the process. Here at our dentist office in San Jose, we offer three types of teeth whitening options to you.

In-office Zoom™ Whitening is the fastest whitening procedure we offer with results showing immediately.

Custom Teeth Whitening
Trays takes place at home with whiter teeth appearing after a couple of weeks.

Teeth Whitening Strips also takes place at home and with whiter teeth appearing after a couple of weeks.

It’s amazing how this simple and relatively inexpensive procedure can have a drastic impact on your smile.

Porcelain Dental Veneers
If you have chipped, cracked, or stained front teeth and have always felt self-conscious about your smile, dental veneers can help. These custom-made tooth coverings are cemented to your teeth to give you the smile you’ve been wanting. It’s amazing how you’ll feel more self-confident once your front teeth are fixed!

Porcelain Dental Crowns
When your teeth are damaged or decayed beyond what a veneer can fix, a dental crown may be the solution. Crowns are designed to cap or cover the tooth and in the process will improve your tooth’s strength and appearance. Here at our dental practice in San Jose, our staff uses the CEREC metal-free dental crown procedure that can be completed in just one visit.

Tooth-Colored Fillings and Bonding
Having a cavity no longer means a mouthful of metal. Instead, Dr. Chou uses a composite dental material to fill the tooth which gives an improved appearance and is the healthier option. If you have a chipped tooth, she will use the same composite material  to gradually build up and bond to the tooth to restore it back to its natural shape and color. If you’re ready to smile with confidence thanks to the cosmetic dentistry procedures we provide, call our office in San Jose, CA today at
408-923-5511 or send an email to

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

Take your first step to a healthy smile

Make Sage Dental your provider for all your dental needs.

In addition to English, we speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Tagalog and Ilocano.

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