Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry aims to repair and enhance teeth affected by damage, decay, or loss due to factors like trauma or wear. It includes treatments such as fillings, crowns and bridges to restore tooth structure and replace missing teeth, dental implants for permanent tooth replacement, and dentures. By improving oral health and restoring natural aesthetics, restorative dentistry enhances chewing and speaking functions while boosting confidence in one's smile. Advanced materials and techniques are used at Sage Dental in San Jose to achieve durable and aesthetically pleasing outcomes, personalized to each patient's needs.

Dental Inlays & Onlays
Dentures & Partials
Porcelain Dental Crowns
Tooth Colored Composite Fillings

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are a restoration procedure Sage Dental here in San Jose may use to repair decayed or fractured teeth that are too damaged for a filling, but are not damaged enough to need a dental crown.  Another reason that an inlay or onlay may be used is when old fillings need to be removed or replaced. Inlays and onlays are one of the strongest tooth restoration procedures available! They are very durable and can actually help to strengthen a tooth whereas traditional metal fillings can actually reduce the strength of a tooth. With that, inlays and onlays can help to prolong tooth life, reducing the odds that you may need future dental treatment for this restored tooth. Having an inlay or onlay procedure is very much like having a crown placed, except that less of your natural tooth structure will need to be removed. When you get a crown, the tooth will undergo significant reshaping so that the crown can be placed. Since Sage Dental's goal is to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, inlays and onlays may be recommended instead of crowns if the tooth can be restored with this less invasive form of treatment.

Inlays and onlays are very strong and can last for a long time.  They require the same level of care as your other teeth, so daily brushing and flossing, along with regular cleanings and exams are all you need to make sure your tooth restoration lasts for years to come.

Dentures & Partials

When the majority of your teeth are loose or painful, generally caused by bone loss due to advanced periodontal disease, saving them may not be an option. Removing your teeth and replacing them with a denture may be the only option in eliminating the infection and restoring the health of your teeth. To begin the process, Sage Dental will first take impressions of your mouth. From these impressions, precise working models of your mouth are made and it is from these models that the dentures are created. When your denture is ready to be placed in your mouth, Sage Dental will extract your remaining teeth, during which time, you will be thoroughly numbed and sedated and you should feel no pain whatsoever. As soon as your teeth are out, your denture will immediately be placed in your mouth.

Dental Implant Supported Dentures

A very significant innovation with regard to full dentures is the use of dental implants to aid in the retention and stabilization of the denture.  Supported by dental implants, the denture is held in place with implants rather than adhesive which provides a firmer hold and can be removed for cleaning.

Partial Denture

A partial denture is often a good method for replacing some of your missing teeth. When remaining teeth are saved and a partial denture installed, you will chew better and have a healthier mouth. By filling in the spaces, a partial denture stops neighboring teeth from shifting. When missing teeth aren’t replaced, this can set off a chain reaction that can result in cavities and periodontal disease. A partial denture also helps to balance your bite which results in better chewing and a healthier jaw joint. Partials also add support to the cheeks and lips which is necessary for clear speaking and good facial structure

Porcelain Dental Crowns

If you have a broken or decayed tooth that can’t be fixed with a filling, inlay, or other dental restoration procedure, Sage Dental may recommend a dental crown to restore the tooth back to it’s normal state. A crown is designed to cover the damaged part of the tooth and will restore it back to it’s original size, shape and overall structure.

You May Need a Crown If:

- You have a broken tooth
- You have had a root canal
- You have a tooth that has more filling than actual tooth structure
- Finishing off a dental implant- You have extensive decay or damage to a tooth

Traditional Dental Crowns Involves a Two-Step Process

During the first visit, Sage Dental prepares your tooth by removing enamel and dentin to allow room for the crown.  He’ll then make a model of your teeth and gums and will fit the prepared tooth with a temporary crown.  The model is then sent to the dental lab where they will create your final crown, and when ready, you’ll return to Sage Dental office to have it fitted.

Tooth Colored Composite Fillings

Tooth-colored composite fillings are a safer and more attractive alternative to older silver amalgam fillings. By precisely matching tooth-colored composite fillings with the natural color of your teeth, Sage Dental is able to provide you with white fillings that are virtually invisible. The removal of amalgam fillings can provide you with white fillings that provide a more pleasing, metal-free smile.

As with the old metal filings, composite tooth colored fillings are used to repair a tooth affected by decay or damage, or are used to replace the metal fillings themselves. Composite fillings are a resin based tooth colored material and because of this, they can be matched to the existing tooth color and are best suited for use in front teeth or the more visible areas of the mouth.

Take your first step to a healthy smile

Make Sage Dental your provider for all your dental needs.

In addition to English, we speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Tagalog and Ilocano.

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