Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry enhances the appearance of teeth, gums, and smiles through procedures like teeth whitening, dental veneers, bonding, and gum contouring. These treatments are customized to achieve aesthetic goals, improving confidence with a more attractive smile.

Porcelain Dental Veneers
Teeth Whitening
Dental Tooth Bonding
Smile Makeovers
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Porcelain Dental Veneers

By placing a ceramic porcelain dental veneer on the surface of your teeth, Sage Dental can give you a brighter, straighter, and more natural looking smile. This glass-like ceramic closely resembles natural tooth enamel because porcelain veneers are translucent. When light strikes a natural tooth’s surface, it is not immediately reflected off but instead, penetrates the tooth enamel and reflects off the opaque tooth dentin that lies just beneath. This translucent effect is what gives teeth their luster.

Benefits of Porcelain Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers can fix worn enamel issues, chipped or broken teeth, misaligned teeth, and have functional benefits in addition to these aesthetic benefits. They protect the surface of the teeth that have been damaged and in some cases can eliminate the need for more extensive dental treatment like dental crowns or root canals.

Teeth Whitening

As you age, your teeth begin to lose their enamel coating, allowing the yellow color of the layers beneath to show through. Regardless of the amount of brushing, flossing and teeth cleaning you may do, the only way to achieve whiter teeth is by having professional teeth whitening services performed.

We offer 3 different ways to brighten the color of your teeth.

In-office Whitening
Teeth whitening is a safe and effective light activated whitening system that lightens your teeth, almost immediately. Within only one hour, your teeth will be noticeably lighter and brighter. This makes this the ideal whitening procedure for patients that may want to have a whiter, brighter smile but do not want to wait the 1-2 weeks necessary to complete a “take-home” whitening procedure.

Custom Teeth Whitening Trays
Teeth whitening trays are a very efficient and comfortable alternative for the person who wishes to do their whitening at home. A whitening gel is placed in the trays which are then inserted in the mouth overnight. A change in tooth color normally occurs within 1-2 weeks.

Teeth Whitening Strips
Teeth whitening strips are the simplest and most inexpensive method to whiten your teeth. Plastic strips containing a concentrated whitening agent are placed over the teeth for 30 minute intervals several times a day. Significant lightening normally occurs in 2-3 weeks.

While home bleaching treatments have varying degrees of effectiveness, the type of care you receive directly from Sage Dental is always the best option to obtain whiter teeth.

Dental Tooth Bonding

If you have minor defects with your teeth that are not extreme enough to warrant dental crowns or veneers, dental or tooth bonding may be the way to go. Tooth bonding is an excellent way to correct a myriad of minor dental defects and can give you a beautiful smile in the process.

Here are some of what can be corrected with dental bonding:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth that don't respond to tooth whitening
  • Uneven size of your teeth

The Procedure

Tooth bonding uses tooth-colored composite resin applied in layers to build up the tooth's shape. After lightly etching the tooth for better adhesion, a special light cures the resin, hardening it. Our team at Sage Dental ensures comfort by adjusting your bite and then polishes the tooth to blend with your natural teeth. Bonding can treat chips, gaps, or discoloration in a single visit, often as part of a smile makeover. It's minimally invasive, preserving your tooth structure, and can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like replacing metal fillings. Contact us to see if bonding is right for you.

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Smile Makeovers

If you’re embarrassed of your smile and suffer from low self-esteem because of teeth discoloration and decay, broken or missing teeth, or other dental problems, then a smile makeover may be right for you. In today’s age of cosmetic dentistry there are many options and solutions available to give you the smile you desire.

Confidence Can Be Restored and Esteem Renewed With a Smile Makeover

A smile makeover at Sage Dental in San Jose, CA combines various cosmetic dental procedures tailored to enhance your smile. Options like dental implants, bridges, dentures, or porcelain crowns are recommended for missing or damaged teeth, while porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, or Invisalign may be suggested for discolored or misaligned teeth. Before starting, a comprehensive oral examination is conducted to discuss your preferences and evaluate your dental health. Factors like facial features, tooth characteristics, and aesthetic preferences are carefully considered to create a unique smile that enhances your overall appearance. With advanced cosmetic dentistry, achieving a beautiful smile that boosts your self-esteem is easier than ever. After completing your makeover, Sage Dental ensures a plan to maintain your new smile for the long term.

Take your first step to a healthy smile

Make Sage Dental your provider for all your dental needs.

In addition to English, we speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Tagalog and Ilocano.

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